510,000 Mile Undercarriage Walk Around & More

20160706_162256 It’s been over a month since my last update, so it’s over due to let you guys know what’s been going on. Basically just more work. But I did have another oil change done. I was thinking it was also time to replace the spark plugs, since they’re 100k platinum plugs, but after looking into it, they didn’t need replacing last time until 460k & when Acura Tech Chris Downs pulled them for the compression test, they still looked pretty good. So no plugs needed for now. I’ve been slacking off on getting the most recent service invoices up on here. So lets catch up on that first.

First up is the last of the 400k era…


I was extremely busy around this time, so I went as long as 7,500 miles before the next oil change. It was also time for rear brakes again. We turned the rotors, but they ended up being too thin, So I had to replace them for the first time. So this time in was a little bit spendy. But a dude needs to stop, right?


After another 7,500 miles, it was time for the most recent oil change…

510k-oil-changeWhile it was up in the air, I thought it might be a good idea to check out the undercarriage & see what we could find after half a million miles. Chris Downs was once again performing the maintenance on my car, so I took advantage to get some questions from readers answered from Chris Downs, Acura Master Tech (A.K.A. Beard Sexy). Here’s the video…

Please forgive the quick movements & jerky camera work. This was also done in one take. I didn’t want to keep Chris’s rack occupied any longer longer than I had too. He had 4 or 5 vehicle to work on after mine. So I’m afraid the video (after review) is less than awesome. But I do want to clarify one thing in the video. When I’m talking about not having a rust issue like those back East, I’m referring to body rust. Obviously not the exhaust. I’m sure I’ll get tons of comments on that from people that just found the video online & don’t read my blog.

On a sad note, Part of my favorite stretch of road had recently succumb to fire. The one hour stretch from Idaho City to Lowman on State Hwy 21 has been crawling with Firefighters doing their best to contain the fires. Here are some pics from the area.20160812_160922It was a bunch of small fires spread out all over the place. Which I found quite bizarre. But I’m no fire expert for sure. But the aftermath sure is sad…20160812_161703There were also sections of road stained red from the fire retardant being dropped by the fire planes & helicopters…20160812_161534 Luckily, the fires were just along this one stretch of road. About 15 minutes north of Lowman, things went back to the usual beautiful scenic awesomeness! 20160812_142919

I’ve been getting antsy lately & been thinking of all kinds of things. From getting another car, to a new pet, to even buying a new house. I think I just need a change of pace, or a hobby or something. So I decided to start doing some upgrades & additions to the TSX on the weekends now that I have time for such projects. These will follow in future blogs & videos. I personally am not a fan of people posting cool things that they’ve done to their cars, but not sharing what they got & how. So I’ll be teaching myself some basic video editing so that I’ll be able to share the projects I undertake & how I did them. Unless they’re extremely simple and a brief explanation will do. So look for those in the future.

To end this update, I just wanted to let you know that the TSX is keeping some famous company…arnie-hummer1-2Anybody recognize this Hummer? This particular Hummer’s owner, is the one responsible for giving civilians the opportunity to own these awesome vehicles. It belongs to Arnold Schwarzenegger. I was up in the Ketchum, ID area looking at a vehicle at a tow yard in this small & beautiful town. There are actually quite a few celebrities that have homes in this small ski town. Bruce Willis, Demi Moore, Tom Hanks, Arnie & more.

I’ve seen this Hummer H1 in pictures before in articles about the Governator. I also know that the owner of this particular tow yard/ mechanic shop & Arnie have been friends for a long time. I was at this same place years ago in the winter & saw a x-mas card with a picture of Arnies entire family on the shelf (you don’t see that every day). So when I pulled into the lot I was almost certain it was his. I knew for sure when I was inside. The keys were sitting on the counter & I turned the tag over, snuck a peek & sure enough, there was the mans name. Pretty cool. It will likely be the closest I ever come to meeting some one that famous. arnie-hummer1-1It sure was a clean ride. I wish I could afford one. But I’d still rather have my ’97 Spa Yellow on Black NSX. I guess I should start polishing my Pennies either way.

Oh, one last thing. The Princesses RDX had another service a little while ago.


She’s since surpassed the 40,000 mark.

dsc06403I’m also happy to report that the RDX has been trouble free so far. She still loves it!

That wraps it up for this update. I hope everyone is doing well out there & Thanks for stopping by!


About clymerdude

A Property Damage Appraiser in the State of Idaho.
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14 Responses to 510,000 Mile Undercarriage Walk Around & More

  1. tysonhugie says:

    Great idea on the undercarriage video. Chris D seems to know his stuff. Very thorough walk-through. And here’s to hoping you guys get some rain to put out the fires…

  2. Mo says:

    Great video Josh! Thanks! My 2006 TSX threw the rear motor mount causing rough idle at startup and idle while only in gear. I’d be curious to see Chris’s thoughts on that one. Thanks!

    • clymerdude says:

      Hey Mo, I’ll see what I can find out.

    • clymerdude says:

      Hi Mo, Finally got a chance to talk to Chris today about your issue. We’re assuming you already replaced the mount? If so, Chris is wondering if you “Neutralized” the mounts? Basically loosen all mount bolts, Lift motor slightly, make sure all mount bolts are centered & re-tighten everything. This will prevent binding on any of the bolts. Having too much pressure on one side will throw the balance of the motor off and may seem like hard idle. Hope this helps!

  3. Hey there Josh hope you are doing well! 👍 Nice video, looks like tsx can tackle another 500k! Wanted to ask you and if I could get some input on this from Chris aswell. I’ve been wondering about the valve adjustment on our cars and the how often it has to be made. I’ve read that Acura only commends to have them checked at 110k miles or before if the engine gets noisy. I bought my car at 117k and I have no idea if the previous owner ever got them looked at or adjusted. I have not cared about ir too much since my engine has always been super silent, but now at 157k I’ve started to notice a bit of valve noise when the car revs to around 2500-3500k rpms though at idle the engine is quiet without any abnormal valve noise. I’ve also noticed sometimes there’s a little more valve noise after a cold start up, though it goes away right away and is only present for less than 5-7 seconds. I would really appreciate some advice and input, thanks in advance!

    • clymerdude says:

      What Up G! I’ll ask & get back to you. But it’s sounding to me like you should have the valve adjust done. I’ll let you know this week.

    • clymerdude says:

      Talked to Chris, He confirmed that you should have the valve adjustment done every 105k & should have it done if you’re not sure it’s been done already. He also said you may want to check the pressure on the chain tensioner. You can adjust it on our cars. Oil pressure builds up but takes a few seconds & may cause some chain chatter at first & at higher rpm’s the tensioner may not be making optimal pressure with the chain & also cause some chatter. He recommended using a stethoscope on the case to see what you hear while someone revs at the rpms you normally hear the noise at. It may be the problem. Might be worth checking out.

  4. Carlos says:

    Great video with the Acura master tech mechanic. It is great that he has seen history of car up close and personal. He started working at Acura one year before the model’s introduction so he has seen it all. I really liked him saying “no major breakdowns with these cars”. No transmission or timing chain failures. Great stuff. 😀

  5. Kevin says:

    Josh, any plans to get the Hondata ECU reflash on your TSX? Maybe even some more power mods later (*supercharging*)? My 04 TSX is coming up on 220K miles and I’ve been considering doing some of these power mods though I don’t know if it’s worth it to sink that kind of money into the car given its age.

    • clymerdude says:

      I don’t know Kevin. Maybe someday. I’m still using it for a daily driver. Maybe after The Princesses RDX is paid off & I get another car to use as a daily, I may start looking into engine mods. But for now, I’m leaving it stock as long as I have to rely on it, on an everyday basis.

      • Kevin says:

        One more thing, Josh. How does your TSX sound while driving? Any weird whirring sounds under the hood that goes up and down with RPM? My TSX unfortunately is making all sorts of noises. Whirring from the engine and a high pitch whine that sounds like it’s coming from the trans when I’m cruising.

      • clymerdude says:

        Hi Kevin, None that I can think of. The only noise I get is when I have my MP3 player plugged in & I get noise thru the speakers while I’ charging it. See if you can get it diagnosed & let us know what you find! Others may be having the same issues…

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